Application for Photocopy of  Builti Receipts



The manager,

Transporter Company Name.

                                                  Sub:-Application for photocopy of  Builti Receipts

Dear Sir,

     With the Subject Matter mentioned above i would like to inform you that I had sold on “Date of Qty Pcs. of Goods Name Part at the Rate Rs.0 Per Pcs”. to Hot Mark Appliances of “Place Name” and same was transported with your transport co. i.e. “Transport Company Name”.

This is to further inform you that we had built of the above transportation but due to unavoidable circumstances, it has been lost by our end.

 I am requesting you that please give me a duplicate Copy of Buiti.

Your active cooperation in the above matter will highly be appreciated.                                                                                                      

Thanking You,

Yours Truly,

Company Name


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